Customized to order
Saurus Special Vehicles are custom made to client specifications and requirements through professional product development and design. Special Vehicles can be subjected to test and validation by independent research organisations (VTT, TKK, MTL), and we have a comprehensive range of service and maintenance services.
Saurus Special Vehicles can be equipped for airport rescue services and other special rescue needs, such as hazardous materials prevention, decontamination operations and other damage control. Saurus Incident Command Units are equipped with communications solutions and work space to support commanding operations.
Model ID
A = Airport
D = Decontamination
F = Fire
R = Rescue
L = Light duty, operative weight 3 – 7.5 t
M = Medium duty, operative weight 7.5 – 16 t
S = Super, heavy duty, operative weight over 16 t
C = Crewcab
43/5 = water 4,300 l / foam 500 l
60/4+250 = water 6,000 l / foam 400 l + powder 250 kg